There is an expression that goes “Courage in the face of humility”
You’ve all shown this by openly and honestly revealing yourself, physically and emotionally, for all to see – This take courage…
- I think you all rock !
PCP & Patrick …
It rocks and it gives you the opportunity for something special and unique that is not out there – It takes Nutrition, Exercise, Education, Self Awareness and presents it with no BS – You do it for yourself..
Nice one Patrick, and Thank You…
Take Away …
Mind, Body and soul are totally interconnected when it comes to your “Wellness”
Balance is needed in everything we do and who we are.
Self awareness is the greatest tool…
Thank You….
Everyone, you know who you are, thank you for your time, your ears, your eyes, your words, and your support….. – With out you it would not have been possible and it would not have been fun…
And lastly, and certainly not least, Shirley, so much to say, but to try and put it simply… You might think that I am an iron man, but you’ve always been able to lift me up….