Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 87: Rad...

Super Set Thursday, Superset Shoulders... now that hurt.... oh, has anyone else raised there eye brows at Saturday's work out ?  If it wasn't the second last day, I would suspect it's the last major work out of our program.... Epic is the first word that comes to mind, but probably not the right one....

I'm wearing down, my mind is there, but even that is taking a beating right now. Emotional and Physical exhaustion, breaking point is imminent... Mind and Body into insignificance..... even my muscles feel like they are sagging.... - Dramatic i know, but we all need a release....

I was thinking about our journey and what makes it possible for us all to do this PCP....  The 3 C's.. Compassion, Courage and Conviction... all are applicable to our journey right now;

Compassion to understand what and why and also to support ourselves & each other,
Courage to pursue what we want
and to action with Conviction....
- I totally could have put some other words in there, but i like the 3 Cs... This helps me add some depth to what i'm doing and to continue doing it.... knowing that it takes more of you to step out and to perform, but you've got to do it and do it well...

Stay Rad ....


  1. Rad is my favorite word. I had to stop using it so I could keep it special. But life is just so well, RAD! So it slips out here and there. Anyhow, I think the trick to making it through these last few days is just not to think. At least that is what I am doing! HA!


  2. I like how Compassion is the first one, without it all the other stuff you get from the other two C's doesn't have much meaning.
