Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 21 - Open for business....

1000 jumps.. I own you !!!  Not sure what changed, perhaps i just stopped thinking about it or i learned a bit of coordination - can you learn that .. ?!

I won't bore you with the rest of the weekends detailed report, but basically it was, light and dark, up and down, wet and moist,  and most of all, too short....

Happy Monday all and ready to kick another week ....


  1. Sounds like your brain has gotten its jumprope wiring straightened out. From here on you'll be golden.

  2. Yeah! I had a good jump session today as well. I totally agree with Murakami - 'muscles are work animals, they need to be shown patiently every day what is expected of them...'

    Let's have a great week 4!
