Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 6- POW !!

Sunday 8am work out - it's been a while.... but what a high for the day....

Had a goal today, it was to learn how to skip like a boxer, warmed up with the feet together for a couple of sets, then moved on to one leg at a time, started with the right, then moved to the left, then combined, it was great, took quite a while to bring em together, the oldies in the park were for sure having a good ol laugh at my expense, not to worry, it was fun and felt good to challenge myself to try something new, to not be complacent with just getting by - I definitely walked away thinking, wow, I'm really uncoordinated ! ha ! but seriously, i am uncoordinated, no wonder i can't dance ...

Squats and lunges have been a good challenge, i find a lot of stuff we do in the gyms and even yoga can be very upper body focused, so bringing this in to the work outs i find helps balance things out... Abs and push ups are solid .. have to say, I love the ab work outs - The burn...

Looking forward to the new week, new menu and new exercises...

bye for now....


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