Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 45 - This too shall pass...

Right now I feel like my body is burning all the time…demanding more energy, It’s like a machine, input here, output here i.e. Energy – Suppose that’s exactly the way it’s meant to work, giving your body “clean and useable” fuel, and it processes it to deliver a constant stream of pure energy…. Something satisfying in this realisation ….

Half Point, milestone seems somewhat insignificant compared to the gladiators that are finishing today…. Their results are simply amazing and what is really interesting is that they are from all walks of life; mums, dads, parents, execs, revellers, socialites….  If anyone ever complains to me about not having time or some sort of excuse to not look after ones self, I’ll point them in the direction of this website and tell them read it, then ask them to tell me again why they think they are different and can’t make time to take care of themselves ...

For those in my group that are in the midst and working the grind, this Persian proverb comes to mind -   “This too shall pass”   

Happy Hump & Ready to Rock 46 and Beyond ….


  1. Yes! Having fuel that is metabolized quickly is such a joy. I've never experienced my body working so efficiently.

    Are you still doing double or extra WO? I'm in quiet awe.

  2. Nah, just for that weekend I did the extra - body would fall apart if you tried to do that consistently...

  3. Good attitude man, your metabolism is firing hard every 40 minutes now and it's going to incinerate whatever you put in there. This is they key to sustainability, because ideally we want you to be able to enjoy a treat every now and then without it impacting your body composition. Good work dude.

  4. Hey Ricky, following your lead and doing double work outs on the weekend from now on. And I so agree. Its amazing the sacrifice people make it fit this into your schedule. The commitment is huge!
