Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 71: Saturation....

Now we all have those things that we love to hate, those things that we dread, we think about, we don't wanna think about, we think about and we build up the awful nature of what it actually is, a hindrance to our overall calm state of mind... I think you all know what I'm talking about.. Legs and Shoulder sessions !!!

Damn..there ain't too many times i drop to the ground and wince in pain, but every leg and shoulder session, you'll find me on the turf in the middle of the park squirming around.... and you'd be thinking "What the?"

Found my mind drifting from time to time during the session, i really had to bring it back to what i was doing.. See it's brutally hot at the moment, air is thick and the sun is coarse. The body really takes a beating, as does the mind.... - Funnily enough, Patrick mentions about how the body sweats to cool the brain, oh man, if that's the case, I have one hot brain ! seriously, it must be big, or just gets over heated easily - 'Saturation' would be an understatement !

I made a decision the other day, i decided that after this monumental programme that I figure one needs a reward, so i booked 5 nights in Phuket for some hard earned rest and peace... Meditation, Yoga and of course Mai Tai's.....

But before this, 19 days of PCP action - oh, just on PCP, if PCP was a person, I'd use him or her as my sweat band ! ... I'm off to the beach.


  1. Wise move, giving yourself something to work hard for. Isn't it funny how the week before a vacation work doesn't seem all that bad? Same for PCP!

  2. oh! can I come with you??! ahhah just came back from a avcation, but definitely need another one after the program ends!
    Still don't get why you signed up in first place but...I have to admit you look great!
    And yep, I also hate legs and shoulders days, they're a nightmare!
