Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 85: Business....

Excited is the first word that comes to mind, but it's probably not the right one - Day 85 !

Definitely looking forward to the next phase.... But I found my mind kind of wondering for the last little while, even though i'm still exerising, my mind as been adrift, i decided to let it drift for a spell, see where it went, and decided to paddle back in to destroy these last 5 days... haha... game on...

I've been creative the last few days during the rain here in HK, there was a whisper of skipping, but wait, with no rope ! If one can believe such a thing... novel idea, yes ? well, I decided to give it a go - i like it... Jumping around in my apartment with no rope, put some 5kgs weights in my hand and doing simple movements with them, shoulder press, da vincis, all that whilst doign the 1, 2 on my feet, it's quite a nice little warm up for the main course....  Give it a go sometime ....

Super sets start tomorrow.... I'm not sure i'm going to be able to fit back in my door after the pump it's going to give me.... not 1, but 2 body parts...  damn .....

Ok rock n rollers.... let's do the business...


  1. Ricky, Ricky. I wish you'd be a bit more enthusiastic! Stop dragging your feet would ya?

    5 kgs weights as a warm up? Dear lord. That's hardcore, but we knew that about you anyway.

    Thanks for the peppy talk! Gambare!

  2. I have been known on the really wet or really hot days to jump around my house. My dog thinks it is pretty fun. My calves get more of a work out because there is not tripping so it is straight pain. But I prefer the skips regular style....
