Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 81: You are not the clothes you wear or the car you drive....

I was lying in bed today, feeling very tired and fatigued and this is what has inspired my blog today, regret, often people say,  a life of regret is a life not worth living, i personally find that you can use regret to make you strong, to use it as fuel that fights the fear of not achieving or letting something slip by... Could be life, but in this case, PCP, every day exercise, strict eating habits, you might just go out and do it, not think too much about it, think of it as hard and leave it at that, but will you get to a point where you are not seeing the changes you expected and then regret that you didn't push it hard every session, think that you could have been doing it better and harder – Doesn’t this form of regret drive you to excel and or simply, change your ways? The fact that you don’t want to feel regret, so in fact, you are turning that negative emotion into a positive one, motivation…..

What is it to you ? for me this helps with those times I’m in bed and feeling sorry, tired and just all round fatigued, but I know, I know if I don’t get up I’ll feel even worse later on as the guilt will kick in and I’ll regret not doing it. BUT, if I do do it, I’ll feel fantastic for doing it, I’ll get my natural drug kick, I’ll have accomplished something and proven something to myself, that I know that I did it… oh, and of course, why were doing it in the first place, I’ll get fit and be on my way to PEAK CONDITION … (in saying all this, some times I feel like I’m chasing my tail, the peak continues to get bigger and manages to not get any closer  …. ! )

Either way you do it, don't ignore regret, embrace it and use it as motivation to drive you past that plateau you may be on....

On the exercises, I really enjoy side crunches, they were considerably weak at first, i think before PCP my abs were quite 1 dimensional, these days, they are all round solid, either way you look at them, and i notice in everything I do, and i do a bit of yoga, i find that i twist and control movements so much easier, less stress on the back as the abs hold everything in place.... Functional muscles !

Peace and Blue skies...


  1. Abs! My inbuilt corset...

    I've been disappointed that I haven't pushed myself harder to do a pull up (contradiction there?). However, I will do it when my muscles are ready. I'm not going to analyze my performance too much at this stage (not at the end). Maybe afterward I will think about a few things...probably Focus and Form. Keeping a balance between speed (warm muscles) and good form are the things that I need to work on in the next training round.

    Peak is for where you started. But imagine a string of mountains under your blue skies! We'll surmount one peak and then look to another.

    Hope you enjoyed your WO! Rock on Rocky Ricky...

  2. The pain of the workout or the pain of guilt... either way you'll be hurting!

  3. Deeeeeeep geezer - we're doing vic park next weekend rain or shine...
