Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 76 - Ready, Set, Go ...

Alright, what a session this morning. Have to say, i was very lethargic yesterday, juice level was low, had a great rest day, even a few drinks over a long lunch with the boys, it was just what i needed, after a movie, early Saturday night, woke this morning nice and early and killed it. Oh, can't believe i didn't think of this earlier, I'm not sure about you guys, but i often find grabbing the bar for pull ups can often impact the amount i can do, as opposed to having the actual strengh to do the pull ups. So, i kind of got this idea after reading Yeemans blog, about climbing, well, being a climber in my previous life and have my own gear, i also have a chalk ball that i use for climbing, well, took that bad boy down to the park and chalked up before doing the pull ups. BAM ! 60 pull ups, I laugh at you ...

14 days to go.. my muscles are twitching with anticipation.....

I'm off, 90min massage today, perfect timing really, on the back of the last training day of our week..

Get Ready, Get Set, GO !!!!


  1. Hey Ricky,

    Sorry for the lack of comments lately. Life went into meltdown and exercise has been sporadic. You're a legend still. Off to exercise now.

  2. Some workout gloves will also increase your pull up numbers.

  3. I need gloves. Sounds like you had a great weekend... 13 days left, ROCK!
