Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 31 – Thunder and Lightning

Wooha, it was an arm`tastic work out today… I’ve decided to call each one of my arms as they are feeling right now, Thunder & Lightning…. It’s a deep burn….

I was feeling quite uninspired yesterday, one might say, a little pooped…. I've been training a few extra sessions at lunch, but i woke this morning from a very deep sleep - One thing i've been realising, and this is after looking at the way i behave with food and training and things happening around me, it's important to not let sudden emotions or things around you get in the way or to stop you looking after yourself - I'm pretty sure there will always be something happening around you, drama, love, work, and usually all at the same time !!! ... Difficult things never have a good time...

Needed some time out though, so i stepped out at lunch today for a massage – highly recommend every one to get a few of these along the way if you are not already having them… it's great for the mind and body...

8min ab guy rocks – the leotard throws you a bit at first, but he is all inspiring and I don’t know how he can do all that and still yabber away – I second Mark, I want him as my inspirational picture …

... Pack it, smack it, butter it, bag it, smother it, kiss it, but most of all, Rock It

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